Welcome to Heres!

A new era for Enterprise Chatbot Solutions

Welcome to Heres!

Chatbots – it was love at first sight for our company, and it’s not hard to understand why. I just need to make an emblematic example like purchasing a train ticket: you go to the train operator’s website or app, follow the ordinary purchase process, looking for the outward voyage ticket and then for the return ticket, going through login, shopping cart, check out and payment. It’s all more or less linear, more or less efficient, just the usual browsing made of a few pages, some data to type in and a few, or sometimes many, clicks.

Everything normal, until the chatbots arrive

Now imagine you are on Facebook, go to the train operator’s fan page, click on the messenger icon and start your conversation by saying something like “I have to go to Milan this afternoon”. The bot recognizes you, it knows you are in Bologna (if not certain, it will ask you “do you want to leave from Bologna?”) and shows you all the trains that go from Bologna to Milan that afternoon. You choose the most convenient option and the bot puts it into your kart, takes your PayPal data, asks for your final confirmation and in just two clicks you have your train ticket, without even having entered the website.

Done. Everything’s easier, everything’s better and everything’s possible, thanks to the conversational interfaces. And it’s a revolution that goes above and beyond a ticket purchase.

It was a short step from the idea to the implementation: a technical director who knows no bounds, an operations manager with a deep knowledge of the chatbot world, a team made of true talents that integrates expert captains with fresh minds, everybody united by the passion for AI, machine learning, computational linguistics and design. In other words, innovators. To this, we added the essential contribution of an agency skilled in Customer Experience and Design Thinking.

After months of hard work, here we are: Heres is born

Heres is the first solution for the development and management of chatbots for the Enterprise market, for every sector and multiple fields, from Customer Service to Conversational Commerce, to pure Entertainment.

Our Conversational AI Studio is at the disposal of medium and big companies looking for chatbots that can be customized, scaled, embedded and are legally compliant.

Heres means Heir, because it inherits and integrates the role of graphic interfaces and because it collects part of our company’s knowledge or, to say it in our way, it capitalizes our know-how, becoming more and more intelligent every day.

Heres is ready. The adventure begins.

Let's talk about your project

Together we will find the solution best suited to your business needs.

Heres says

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